Tournament entrants must meet the following requirements:
1) Be a male amateur gross club champion or senior gross club champion (match play or stroke play) at an 18-hole green grass facility
2) Must have won respective club championship between 2011 - 2015
3) All applicants must conform to the USGA Rules of Amateur Status
4) Have a handicap index of 9.9 or less
5) During registration, accurately depict member club and respective head golf professional as the Tournament Committee will officially verify each competitor's club champonship.
The competition will be split into two separate divisions: Champions Division (30-54) and Senior Division (55 & over). Playing competitors will declare the division in which they will compete at the time of registration.
Age Eligibility
To compete in the Champions Division, competitors must be at least 30 years of age before the start of competition. To compete in the Senior Division, competitors must be 55 years of age before the first round of competition. Seniors who have won their Men's Club Championship will have the option of competing in either the Men's or Senior Division.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Adam Rogers at (770) 825-1001 or arogers@globalgolfpost.com.